Friday, March 7, 2008

The Culinary Dictates of Oklahoma

I have it on good authority that to be Oklahoman, one must consume small game. Maybe California wasn't so bad after all...

If possible, trap 'possum and feed it on milk and cereals for 10 days before killing. Clean, but do not skin. Treat as for pig by immersing the unskinned animal in water just below the boiling point. Test frequently by plucking at the hair. When it slips out readily, remove the possum from the water and scrape. While scrapping repeatedly, pour cool water over the surface of the animal. Remove small red glands in the back and under each foreleg between the shoulder and rib. Parboil, page 132, 1 hour. Roast as for pork, page 407.
Serve with:
Turnip greens
The Joy of Cooking, 1971

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