Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Bit of a Return

It's been a while, hasn't it? Writers block is stupid. All around. See? Can't write more than six words. Let's listen to Kanye West. His mother was Oklahoman.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ya Want Some Nitrous Oxide?

I totally know how you feel, little dude. One time, when the dentist took out some of my teeth, I called my husband's mother a scary lady. To her face.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Another Random Video

Takashi Mike is the last person I would have pegged for a...children's film? Pepsi Commercial? What is Yatterman anyway?

Random Videos

I've heard tale (!) of this magic device but the ending is pure Lynch. Hilarious.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Making a List

Funniest Internet Videos-

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mr. Coo Coo

I saw Mr. Kaufman's film yesterday, Synecdoche, New York, and while he is not a filmmaker-he is a writer with a good eye-Charlie gives a body something to chew on.
The main character, one Caden Cotard, is played very, very well by Phillip Seymour Hoffman. This character is ill, he is well, he struggles, and of course is confounded with everything that goes his way. Sounds dull, doesn't it? Charlie Kaufman is one of the very few Americans working in the Reality milieu; it is sloppy, occasionally unhappy work. However, for those of us who can relate, these sorts of films are little dreams. It's nice to see that someone other than yourself can be very strange.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Hate November

I hate November. Everything seems so off to me, and that's just not right. I cannot read an entire book, I refuse to feed or clean my house and family, I am not amused with red leaves. Late fall in Oklahoma is also dry, windy, and surprisingly bleak. I'm just going to have to be silly for a little bit, if only to alleviate my fucking ennui.
1. Laughing Babies. Give me the baby!
Baby coveting aside, this little dude is totally going to grow to be the guy at the party who laughs at all of your jokes. I love that guy.
2. Mozart's Concerto #22. The happiest song I've ever heard.
3. Summer Nights. What did you do this summer, Sandy? Shoo Ba Ba Bop!
4. The Dali Lama. This speech is called the Nobel Lecture.

The realisation that we are all basically the same human beings, who seek happiness and try to avoid suffering, is very helpful in developing a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood; a warm feeling of love and compassion for others. This, in turn, is essential if we are to survive in this ever shrinking world we live in. For if we each selfishly pursue only what we believe to be in our own interest, without caring about the needs of others, we not only may end up harming others but also ourselves. This fact has become very clear during the course of this century. We know that to wage a nuclear war today, for example, would be a form of suicide; or that by polluting the air or the oceans, in order to achieve some short-term benefit, we are destroying the very basis for our survival. As interdependents, therefore, we have no other choice than to develop what I call a sense of universal responsibility.

Today, we are truly a global family.

5 The I Has Series. This picture tickles my funny bone. Don't judge!