Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori

I made with through my sophomore semester as The Person From the Other Side of the Desk! Without a doubt this was one of the most challenging goals I've ever achieved. To give you some sort of perspective, my first class was only a handful of kids who were very nice, came to class, and didn't complain. This semester I taught two different classes and couldn't have had a more difficult time (OK, this is an exaggeration). To wit:
The Banshees.
These girls were in my morning class. If they were flavors of ice cream, they'd be Bitter, Fat, and Ugly with Sarcasm sauce. Ugh, these girls.
My Wardrobe.
Inexplicably my clothing failed me on several occasions throughout the semester. Once, my wrap dress became unwrapped. Wow.
The Text
I composed the body of information for my Art class, so understandably I'm quite fond of it. However, I did not have that luxury with my Humanities class. The text for this class is, in my opinion, out of date and embarrassingly offensive. Africans are primitive animists, Mesoamericans are bloodthirsty, the Christians have never made a false step. I spent two weeks on the Greeks and only half of that time on the Romans because the Romans were thieves, and the Chinese and Japanese haven't changed at all in the history of time. Oh, and humans are not related to apes. On and on and on this list goes.

But it's all over now. My students have their presentations to give (I'm big on the presentation, if only to get people unafraid to speak up), I've got a couple of study guides to make up, and then the finals. Still, next semester I shall return a changed bee.

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