Sunday, October 26, 2008

I like it a LOT!

Check out what I learned today...


Jen is the cardinal virtue of Confucianism. The term is perhaps best translated as "human-heartedness." As Huston Smith explains:

"Jen involves simultaneously a feeling of humanity toward others and respect for oneself, an indivisible sense of the dignity of human life wherever it appears. Subsidiary attitudes follow automatically: magnanimity, good faith, and charity. In the direction of jen lies the perfection of everything that would make one supremely human. In public life it prompts untiring diligence. In private life it is expressed in courtesy, unselfishness, and empathy, the capacity to 'measure the feelings of others by one's own.' . . .'The person of jen, desiring self-affirmation, seeks to affirm as well.' Such largeness of heart knows no national boundaries for those who are jen-endowed know that 'within the four seas all men are brothers and sisters.'"

This is awesome.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cops & Queers Make Good Looking...whathaveyou

Well, well, well. Who cannot stand the test of time, might you ask? Marylin Manson. Oh, go ahead and say, "Whatever. I am a.) too young or b.) don't care or c.) care but evolved or even d.) too old for this goth one trick pony". Right you are A, B, C and even you, D. Marylin Mason is a jerk. Exhibit A:
Spooky! I remember thinking to myself "Here is a ligitamate degenerate!" and I was right. Half of the social ills that transpired between the release of this video and the release of Paris Hilton's video was blamed on one man. Paul. Not the rest of the band, mind you. Just Paul. Nowadays's this poor man's catharsis from blighted miscreant to International Savage to i don't...what are you talking about? has been played across the burlesque, sequins and age. Marilyn Manson is a Dillitante. Observe exhibit B:
Incidentally, if you are curious, there are people who were instrumental in creating the Marilyn Manson motif who were not posers. Here is one such lady.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are two unrealized dreams of mine that I have laid to rest because, I now know, I don't stand a chance at either of them. C'est la vie. One of them was to become a rock and roll star. I wanted to wear wet leather on a stage of fire a la Lita Ford. I cannot sing. The second was to become a dancer, and I cannot dance either. Solid Gold is off the air anyways.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ca Va

I have been studying the french language for a total of eight weeks now; I think I've got the hang of it. Here goes-
Bonjour! Je suis une americienne dynamique. Je suis troh gross et belle. Ou est ma vie? Je habite a Tulsa avec ma famille. Mon activites de tous les jours c'est formidable. Il y a fais le lit, et fais la vaisselle, et fais les devoirs bien sur. Je suis tres heuruese. Je ne parti pas du tout. Aussi, je dine parfois le chien. A bientot!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

This might possibly make up for the Scooby-Doo masturbation scene

Dare I hope? It's been some long and hard years since a little bell heralded the presence of Mr. Kevin Smith (1994, Clerks-fun movie). I won't even watch half of the shit-and I do mean poop, merde, caca, fecal matter, excrement, etc.-that he has made since. But there is a porno comedy film coming your way, and it looks mildly less retarded than, say, everything but Clerks. Here's the special R rated trailer:

Seth Rogan is the anti-sex symbol yet there is something about him. What? Why? I don't know who Blondie is, but look! The Traci Lords! There is the cute boy Drew Barrymore used to date-also the Mac Man-and Darrel from the Office. And Jay without Silent Bob. Remarkable. Of course, it is only a trailer, and a sweet Motown song is involved. My opinions after viewing may vary. But Kevin, I shall see your incidental sex romp film. You have my 8.50.

Apple fisted...again

Where is my music? Why did all of my music on my Ipod disappear this morning? I am not freaking out. I am not freaking out. It's somewhere on my computer, yeah? I am not cool with this. I am breathing and resisting my natural impulse to call up the Apple Corporation and get a stooge to help me find my music and also pick a fight with him. I'm gonna need two Wellies today and a lot of chocolate.