Thursday, October 9, 2008

This might possibly make up for the Scooby-Doo masturbation scene

Dare I hope? It's been some long and hard years since a little bell heralded the presence of Mr. Kevin Smith (1994, Clerks-fun movie). I won't even watch half of the shit-and I do mean poop, merde, caca, fecal matter, excrement, etc.-that he has made since. But there is a porno comedy film coming your way, and it looks mildly less retarded than, say, everything but Clerks. Here's the special R rated trailer:

Seth Rogan is the anti-sex symbol yet there is something about him. What? Why? I don't know who Blondie is, but look! The Traci Lords! There is the cute boy Drew Barrymore used to date-also the Mac Man-and Darrel from the Office. And Jay without Silent Bob. Remarkable. Of course, it is only a trailer, and a sweet Motown song is involved. My opinions after viewing may vary. But Kevin, I shall see your incidental sex romp film. You have my 8.50.

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