Thursday, November 6, 2008

Real Being the Operative Word

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I love the South. They put butter into all of their foods. My accent(s) doesn't annoy people and they use "y'all" as much as I do and you can say "hey" instead of "hi". Some pretty good literature came from those parts too. I can say in all honesty that Atlanta is one mega city I can comfortably live in (see above). So when the good people at Bravo decided to take their Real Housewives series down to the ATL I was very pleased. Here is a clip of the emerging reality star Nene drunkenly humiliating a friend set to song in what seems to be a stretched Hummer:

One word: magic. These Peachtree bitches truly reflect the lifestyle of the Southern Queen in a way I never could but secretly aspire to. The equation is so simple: lots of make up, wigs, and sugar daddies. An IQ hovering around 80 is preferable, but the discerning gentlemen would consider upwards to 85. Sadly, I am mismatch for this criteria but wait! There is a thriving Hippie community in Atlanta, the upwardly-mobile Yuppies, the music/film/theater hipsters, the aging old school rednecks, the Chablis-n-Commute businessmen, and the all pervasive, all encompassing African American culture. Also, a really shitty but really large airport. Oh, Atlanta. I hear you callin.

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