Friday, September 12, 2008

What Happens to a Dream Deferred?

It is easy to have your head turned by such a powerful suitor as American Presidential Race. Look at them on the TV, as this is the closest most of us will ever come to our officials. On TV they are attractive, confident and well spoken. They photograph beautifully in front of their loving audiences. And they want you. It is natural, then, in that moment to forget that there is more involved than yourself. Maybe your mind is too full of red, white and blue to remember that the results of your vote involves not only you and those you love, but also people you will never know, maybe never understand and people whom you despise. Around 305 million people in all, give or take a few. It's quite a player who can pull that off. But it doesn't stop there! After all, it's always been America today, the World tomorrow.

Are these people on the TV really who they say they are and will they really do what they say they will do? Is our elective process so straightforward and above suspicion? In a word, no. This process is a sham; it is a bloated, arrogant, spoiled child beating a dog in between kisses. I am tired of being seduced and then slapped. We are a polarized, broke country at war and with few friends. We cannot bully or charm our way out of this one. Petty comments, shrouded intentions, and grandiose egos are the name of the game, but games invariably stop. These candidates need to stop making eyes at me and tell me exactly what they intend to do and how they will make it happen if elected.

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