Monday, December 17, 2007

Expression is hard!

Ok, I am not the best person around tech stuff. I am more likely to look at the person who is good with the tech stuff and say "Please....I don't know what I am doing?" and that person is most likely my husband or the tech guy from the college (Hi Wayne!) and I am in full supplicant mode. Not full learning or taking notes for the future mode. Why, then, do I sign myself up to learn how to build a website? It is hard to build a website! All I've got after hours of staring at the training video, clicking buttons and then the undo button a million times, and whining is a website that sorta looks
like this. Not good.
I will say that this program seems to have brighter possibilities than the free one I took a class for, Nvu. It was literally tables, and repeating graphics or solid background color, and HTML wasn't even lurking in the corners it was staring me down. The instructor for the class was very nice, and a good teacher, but he looked bored as shit; heavy sighs and dead eyes except when he looked at the monitor. He's a professional web designer (from what I gathered) whose vocabulary was limited to computer jargon, and the words cool and geek. He was a portly man with a ponytail who wildly gesticulated his fancy opinon in front of a class of women, save one old man. Needless to say I was a little put off by the aesthetics of the setting, but I thought I was doing a good job retaining information until I got home and then gone....all of it gone. I remember the exact pinkness of the instructor's shirt (salmon),how the old man sitting next to me would not stop talking about the stock market of all things, that it was a windy day and I had chicken soup for lunch, but every pertinent bit of knowledge about web design has fled. Hmm.
Nevertheless I shall persevere. I will have my husband look at it.

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