Monday, December 3, 2007

It's my birthday!?

I keep getting older! This past year was very good to me; professionally I branched out in both avenues and personally I feel I've finally ironed out some wrinkles (no, this isn't an aging face comment!). Last night my family took me out to the Mac and we had a really good time. I love the chicken marsala, and the boys like to draw on the table, Mike likes almost everything they make. When we got home I opened this gift from my boys, and this from Mike. I'm taking them both back. What I will exchange these for will be what I asked for in the first place.
I tend to look back on my birthday. I see me as a kid who thought the world was Mama and Daddy and the prairie. Or me as a young woman who wanted to know everything, once I discovered the world was fairly large. Now the me in the mirror looks older, quieter, happier, less unsure and less afraid. What an interesting thing life is.

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