Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ciao Bella

I make the best spaghetti sauce you've ever eaten. No, really, I do. It's the kind of sauce that you will not be served in a fancy resturant, nor is it the sauce that comes in a can. It's the kind of sauce that you could, literally, eat everyday: noodles, toast, rice, by itself. It's that good. I cannot take all the credit for the sauce because my Mom made the prototype of it as I grew up. It took me many years to do so, and many, many times my Mother served me spaghetti. I, being me, critiqued it. In my college years I perfected it and now I give it to you. Enjoy.

1 lb. hamburger meat, cooked and drained
2. lg. cans diced tomatoes
1 sm. can tomato sauce
1 sm. onion, chopped
3-5 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 handful basil (dried)
1/4 handful oregano (dried)
1 cube beef bullion
2 bay leaves
Splash (good) olive oil
pepper to taste
splash of wine, if you like

Place all in large pot, bring to boil. Place lid on top, turn down to low, and remove yourself from the kitchen. Do not go back in there until you smell the sauce. Once you do so, remove lid and stir rigourously. Adjust seasoning; do you need more garlic? Another splash of wine? Pepper? Begin to prepare noodles at this point while allowing sauce to continue simmering. Once the noodles are done the sauce is done too. Enjoy with cheeses.

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