Sunday, January 27, 2008

White Oleander

Better late than never!
White Oleander is a really good book. I confess I saw it on Lifetime TV, and I never watch Lifetime, but I suppose the odds were in their favor to show something that wasn't humiliating their viewers. and there it was. I miss Michelle Pfieffer. She was everywhere in the 80's-mid 90's and then poof-gone. The girl who played the lead was good too, but I'm not familiar with her.
The book is so pretty and sad. I love it when authors use sensory adjectives and this one is rife with them. I loved the desires and failures of the mother and daughter, how the writer framed their separation, and how she left everything open at the end. I want to read it again because I read it in two days and it deserves something besides a binge, but I'll wait a month or two until it's spring and I can read outside. I wonder if oleanders will grow in Oklahoma?

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