Saturday, February 9, 2008

La Vie en Rose

Going into this movie, I was unfamiliar with the life of Edith Piaf. I knew that she was "the" female French singer, that she had a drug problem, but I had little else to go on. What a surprise this film was to me! I loved the nonlinear approach to the storyline, the rich use of colors and textures, but most of all I loved the woman who portrayed Edith. This actress, who is only a year older than myself, disappeared into Edith. There wasn't any Method nonsense, she did not rely on her own personality traits, nor did she flinch from the unattractive or pathetic aspects of the character. Instead this actress somehow allowed Edith's successes, failures, passions and demons her body and voice. It was an amazing performance.
But look! On the poster it says exactly what I just said. I should be a propagandist, huh?

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