Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Writers Strike

I'm going through TV withdrawals. I am not lucky in the way some people are in that they will watch anything, everything the ninety channels cable grants them. Instead I love three little programs and with this damn strike (I support it; the claims are just) the writers have left me bereft of comedy. I miss:
The Office. Never has being consistently awkward so funny. I have worked for corporations before, and all of these characters have been my coworker or manager at some point. Who I miss the most: Dwight Shrute. The beet farm, Mose and Garbage, the evil glances aside, undying dedication to Michael and the primal howl weeping all wrapped up in a large goofy man. On the other hand, I feel a little short changed with the Pam/Jim stuff. I anticipated their realized attraction to each other for what, 3 seasons? Then all I got was a stolen kiss in her car. Who wrote that? Hopefully this strike will inspire the writers.
30 Rock. I think it's the spirit behind the performances and writing of this show that I love the most. I am not a New York City Person and likely will never become one, but the busyness of the city becomes fluid instead of daunting. Who I miss the most: All of them. This is a wonderful cast. Tina Fey is surprisingly adept, Alec Baldwin is a perfect straight man, Tracy Jordan makes everything funny. Kenneth, Jenna and Pete too are spot on. And the capers!
Always Sunny in Philidelphia. Watching this show is like hanging out with the funniest bunch of degenerate assholes you never wanted to hang out with. Nothing is sacred. Who I miss the most: Charlie. Just as much of an asshole as anyone else, but this little gingerbread man has heart. And a very short fuse.

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