Monday, February 25, 2008

The Oscars

For the first time in many years, I was able to watch the entirety of the Oscars last night. Some things that struck me:
The Wealth of Foreign Talent. Not a single American actor won any of the four acting categories.
The Disney Regime. Enchanted, Ratatouille and Miley all around.
The Exclusion of Brad. Apparently they didn't have time to include Renfro.
The Exclusion of Whoopi. No comment from the montage makers concerning this slight.*
On the stage, Once again. They cut her speech out and then she comes back on?
Ryan Seacrest. His outfit was silly.
Regis. Too much! Too, too much Reege!
The Bourne Movie. Lots of tech oscars went to this film. I think I'll watch it now.
The Two Dudes From Superbad. Wow, that was bad.
The OCD Coehn Brother. Lots of ear pulling, guy.
Diablo Cody's Day-to-Night Wear. At least it wasn't a red leopard print chemise.
Jack. Why?
The Clothing. Pretty is as pretty blah.
The Montages. Produced before or after the strike as a safety net?
John Travolta's Hair. Wow. Do you think it took two hours to do it?
All in all I had a fun time watching! I love how happy people look when they accept their award, as well as placing bets on obscure entries like Best Sound Editing or Best Costume. Apparently it was a ratings bomb (see above), but I will definitely try to tune in again next year.
*The Academy has apologized for their error.

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