Monday, March 10, 2008


Yeah, I'm not feeling this one.
It is a great script, great actors, well directed, good sets, sounds (though not the soundtrack-what the hell are kids listening to these days?!). Jennifer Garner surprised me by the depth she was able to give her character. And I love Allison Janney in whatever she does. She could be performing a recitation of Word Origins: An Exploration and History of Words and Language and I would be spellbound. J.K. Simmons played Juno's dad very well. Jason Bateman-my crush from 1988 resurfaced when watching your performance! Yea!
But I don't like hipster doofuses and Juno is a hipster doofus. I have a hard time liking a movie when I don't like the main character and, um, I didn't like little Juno. She's too....or not enough....she's got a tobacco pipe. She's an obnoxious 16 year old knocked up girl who, fortunately, is surrounded by an idyllic support system. The whole thing is just too pat. There are far too many cute little quotes from Juno, but how could there not be when this is yet another teen movie written by a thirty year old. Oh how wise this child is! How brave! How funny! Well, yeah, "Diablo Cody" is twice as old as Juno. There is something disingenuous about this little movie, and I think that maybe it tries too hard to be cool.
I admit, I had a few tears. A few laughs. I'm glad that everyone in the film acted like human beings and not weirdo Hollywood humanoid concoctions. They just spoke to each other in a strange and affected manner, which really isn't that bad of a critique; they say that sort of stuff about Shakespeare.
Apparently there is some "Juno Backlash" out and about on the webs. I wish to distinguish myself in that I recommend this movie even if I won't see again myself. It's cute and well told. Like my neighbor said, it makes you believe in the goodness of life. It's just too hep for my blood, homeskillet.

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