Friday, March 28, 2008


Last Friday night I stayed up late (midnight!), and because my husband and children were asleep I had control of the TV. I was a little surprised by the offerings, but then again I was into the whiskey and the heady combination went to my head and I had an epiphany. Friday night is Girls' Night on cable. Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock, the Squinty Eyed One who plays Bridget Jones, and their men (nice/assholish Texans, Brits, and other assorted types), also girly 80's movies like Footloose and Ferris Bueller! Girls in love! Girls locating identity! Girls!
In general I avoid the romantic-comedy-dramas-musicale that is the Chick Flick. I don't get, but then again I hated being a 14 year old girl. I hated mooning and pining under clouds of Aquanet. I did not practice french kissing on the doorknob. I did not participate in singalongs. But I am female, and then, as now, I find myself...sighing over love. Gross!
All of this introspection made me recount my own beloved girly shows. The movies where I liked the females, liked the males, and yes, I swooned. Did I want to marry (i.e. the country girls' admission of sexual desire) any of these dudes? No. Well, except one...or seven. Anyway, observe this clip from one of my favorite chick flicks:
Stupid Ashley! Ashley is stupid. Scarlett is wild. She is indomitable, except when it comes to her emotions, and then she's a mess. I never got the Ashley thing until my own Ashley, so to speak, and you can bet that I didn't throw away my Rhett over him. Lesson learned: a tree that does not bend breaks in the wind.
I also really like a good cry now and then. If you can watch this film without tearing up, you are without a soul. Sorry.

Lesson Learned: Broken hearts cannot be healed. I forget I'm watching a movie with this one. God, that scene is so sad. There should be disclaimers before this film; Warning! Some viewers will have their hearts is torn from their chests while crying until the point of collapse. Discretion is advised.
On the other hand, I enjoy a good romp in the hay. Much is banked on the chemistry of the lead characters; sometimes it is there but most of the time it's off or simply not present. To ensure a quality sex scene-they are making love, you know-the actors have to yearn for it. Like these two, for example.
Close your eyes...gagon. Gagon. Lesson learned: Spaghetti arms!
To be a girl means that deep down inside of you (some more than others) there is a love for conspicuous consumption. I really like the idea of spending a ton of money on myself. In the movies, there are one of two ways characters placed in this situation can go: bitchy or playful. Either way is good for me, so long as they buy outrageous things.
Good times. Lesson learned? Spending money is fun, but can be hazardous to your health.
Last but not least there is just good, old fashioned fun. It's good for the spirit to see something happy and free, even if it's make believe.
Lesson Learned: Sing loud, sing proud.

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