Friday, March 14, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl

I like Anne Boleyn. I always like an ambitious girl, and after all this one died when she was only 27, so a girl she remains. I could care less if she was a bitch, or manipulative, or uncaring, or selfish. So what? One girl, one story. But, this particular girl led an interesting life, one whose actions are still felt hundreds of years later, and I would feel, were I the filmmakers, somewhat remiss in shrouding Anne in gossip and innuendo. Then again, I was only a member of the audience. And I got up and walked out! Laughing!

I experienced a fairly heady bodice-ripping phase in my literary adventures. Velvet and pearls thrown askance in passion is nice. This film is very velvet and pearls. Very candlelit love making to the sovereign on taffeta stuff. I know my way around this genre, and The Other Boleyn Girl came up lacking. I would venture that the filmmakers involved should at least focused on character development as they did costume development, but I am not in the business of selling films.

A word about the lead actresses. This is a silly film, one filled to the gills with stupid, ancient rumors. It preys upon the feminine weakness for beauty and righteousness, the same way some male films prey on violence and revenge. These are young women, Natalie and Scarlett, who can know their motives? The elder actors are making boat payments, some of the younger are trying to be seen (Jim Sturgess! Jude!) But I did get up and walk out laughing, and it was because of the incest thing. I know how Anne began, was crowned, and ended; all else is English/Spanish nonsense. Anne was not stupid, she did not throw it all away nor was she perverted. It was not a fluke that her daughter was one of the greatest monarchs that little island ever knew. So now, as then, money talks and Annie walks. May peace be on you Anne Boleyn, even if you would have stepped on my neck to be the Queen.

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