Friday, July 25, 2008

Word Up

In spite of this silly, confusing world we've surrounded ourselves with I endeavor to find something that remains pure and undiminished. Life is too short to sweat the big stuff so I'm gonna begin a series of topic that I believe to be good, decent, and everlasting. Let's go ahead and shoot my foot off with #1: PBS.
Ok, say what you like. You don't tune in everytime there is a new American Experience. You think that fundraising twice a year and noncommercialism is the long way up a short hill. You never learned to read. I feel your, I lie.
PBS is the last bastion of new communication-the free stuff. You don't need a subscription. You don't need a uniform. But you will need an intelligence quotient and that least capitalized American virtue-an open mind. In TV world PBS is the gentle professor, it is the uncharted heart, and it can go on forever. I defy you to say that you can't love this:

They are some good singers! So classical and yet so fresh. Give some of your extra money to these people.

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